Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blade Trinity

First off, I chose four shots from this movie, two reaction shots, a close up shot, and a long shot. The first reaction shot shows the character staring up at the ceiling with a bewildered look on his face; as if to say, ‘where is everybody?’

The second reaction shot is of a women right after she has been ‘told off’. The lighting over her shoulders and eyes is very telling and gives hints to the characters ‘history’ and actions to a viewer who would otherwise be unaware. Dark lighting – dark character.

This next shot is a close up of a women’s leg in the shower. The water is not only cleaning the blood away, but cleansing her emotionally. It’s washing away the hurt and the pain as the next shot will illustrate.

This last shot, is a long shot finally establishing location, and you get a real sense of emotion as she cradles herself. This is a tasteful depiction of the female form.

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