Tuesday, April 10, 2007


The First shot is a close up shot of various test tubes, beakers and flasks with different chemicals and liquids in them. In one of them you can even see the piece of dry ice making it bubble and smoke. I chose this scene because even though it is not a long shot, it definitely gives a sense of location to the shot.

I chose this next shot because it was a reaction shot that showed us what is happening to the main character. It also utilizes a small amount of humor in the shot. Even though there are 60 thousand volts running through George’s body, it is still comical. That’s another reason I chose this shot, because of how it added a sense of comedy to a “shocking” situation.

I chose this last shot because it was a good use of a close up shot, as well as an ode to a classic movie, “Rambo”. In this shot, it depicts the characters almost solemn face, even blank reaction to the fact that he just shot a man… at point blank range… with a bow and arrow.

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