Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lord of War

There were a couple of scenes that caught my eye in regards to this movie. This shot is in the beginning of the movie, the scene follows the ‘life’ of a bullet from creation to the moment it’s fired. It shows a very unbiased perspective of the bullet, showing it for just what it is, a piece of manufactured metal.

The next shot I chose because it is an excellent example of a long shot. In the for ground we see the sand riddled with shell casings, and in the back ground we see several figures with guns utilizing those bullets. This shot uses natural surroundings and specific clothing being worn to give us a sense of location.

This last shot I chose because it was one of the few scenes that I could remember seeing in a long time that utilized the subjective point of view shot style, aside from ‘Rear Window’ of course.

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