The first scene I chose was from the opening scene which depicts Alex, the main character. He has an evil look on his face which sets the tone for the entire movie. This is a good example of a close up shot. The lighting work in this scene is intentional and adds to this characters background
This next scene I chose because it was a great example of a close up shot of an object. In this case, the shot is of a vile, an experimental serum number 114. This serum seems to be very ominous, even more so because of how the camera zooms into this shot. This serum is injected into Alex, and then in the following scene we start to get an understanding as to why he was given the shot.
This last scene I chose because of the dramatic close up reaction shot of Alex. Right now he is being subjected to visual stimuli which is hoped to change his personality. His eyes are being forced open to watch these graphic images in the hopes that he will associate these images with an ill, sickening feeling.
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